Core Objects - Standard service tasks in Identity Manager
Core Objects: Check Relation
Use this task to check if a relation between two core objects exists. The names of both data pools have to be provided. The direction of the relation is not relevant, meaning that source and destination may be exchanged.
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
sourceDataPoolName |
| The name of the source data pool that is used to check the relation with the destination data pool. | |
destinationDataPoolName |
| The name of the destination data pool that is used to check the relation with the source data pool. | |
resultVariable |
| Valid values:
| The name of the field indicating if a relation between the source and destination data pool exists. Contains either a "true" or "false" value. "True" means that the objects are related to each other. "False" means that there is no relation between them. |
Core Objects: Create Relation
Use this task to create a relation between two core objects.
Object Relations tab
In this tab you manage the object relation types. A default entry is already set per tenant. Exactly one configuration must be the default configuration which is used when saving data, see Set up process in Identity Manager, the Save Data task.
Include these two fields in an object relations configuration:
Name: name of the object relation type
Default: determines if this configuration should be the default configuration
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
source |
| Data pool name of the source of the relation, which has to be created. The core template name of this data pool will be saved in the database. | |
destination |
| Data pool name of the target of the relation, which has to be created. The core template name of this data pool will be saved in the database. | |
includeRelationTypeToCompareOfObjects |
| Valid values:
| Flag indicating if the relation type should be included when searching if the relation already exists. If you want to create multiple relations of different types between two core objects this parameter has to be set to true. Example: A relation Card → Certificate already exists in the database with the relation type "OldRelation" Use case 1
Use case 2
exceptionIsThrownIfRelationAlreadyExists |
| Valid values:
| Flag indicating how the application reacts if the relation already exists. If set to "true" then throw Exception, else do nothing. |
relationType |
| Default | Type of the relation. The object relation type must exist or an exception is thrown. |
Core Objects: Drop Relation
Use this task to remove existing relations between objects. The removal applies for all relations between one specific object and either:
a single second object, or
all other objects belonging to the named Data Pool
all other objects belonging to the named template.
Furthermore, it is independently possible to restrict the removal to relations of a specific type.
Example: An employee started working with a replacement card. Later he or she receives an employee card. The connection to the reusable replacement card can then be removed.
Single: Both objects must be loaded into the process map before the relation can be dropped.
Either secondDataPoolName, secondDataPoolNameDropAll, or coreTemplateName must be provided. Only one of them is allowed. The ones that are not used must be deleted.
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
dataPoolName |
| Data pool name of the object whose relation shall be removed. | |
secondDataPoolName | - |
| Single Drop: Data pool name of the second single object. This object has to be available inside the Process Map. |
secondDataPoolNameDropAll | - | Data pool Drop: Name of a Data pool. Relations to all objects belonging to this data pool are removed. | |
coreTemplateName | - | Core Template Drop: Name of a Core template. Relations to all objects belonging to this template are removed. | |
objectType | Deprecated. This parameter has the same meaning as coreTemplateName and is only provided for downgrade compatibility. | ||
relationType | - | When configured, only relations of the specified type are removed. |
Core Objects: Expiry Check
Use this task to find core objects (for example, soft tokens), that will expire within a given time range.
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
coreTemplateNameList |
| Comma separated list of core template names that shall be the base of the search. | |
fieldName |
| Example value:
| Name of the data pool field that indicates the expiration date, for example, ValidTo. The data pool must belong to the core template(s) mentioned above. |
offsetInDays |
| Example value:
| The offset in days before the related core objects expire. The base is the field specified by fieldName, for example ValidTo. If you provide a value for offsetInDays, then logically it is ValidTo - offsetInDays = dateToFindSofttoken
Example: Expiry date of a soft token is 31st March 2017. If the offsetInDays is set to 30, the service task will only find the soft token with the beginning of 1st March 2017. |
coreObjectIdListVariableName | - | Example value:
| Name of the variable containing the core objects that were found during the search. It contains only the core object ids. |
Meta_CoreObjectState_Field |
| Example values:
| Name of the data pool field that indicates the state of the core object. The data pool must belong to the core template(s) mentioned above. |
Meta_CoreObjectState_Value |
| Example values:
| The actual state that shall be used for filtering the search. |