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Photo guidelines for ID cards

  • The size of the photo should be at least 35 x 45 mm to leave margin for potential cropping and zooming. The most common size after cropping is 25 x 30 mm.

  • The image resolution should be a minimum of 160dpi to maintain high quality if zooming is required.

  • The resolution of the image should not exceed 300dpi.

  • Use a pale or neutral background without any shadow, use adequate lighting with no shadows or reflections.

  • The photo must be taken in full-face view.

Additional recommendations

To get even higher-quality cards, also consider using these rules for your photos:

  • Use a recent photo (within 6 months)

  • Full-face view, directly at the camera, showing edges of your face clearly and no tilting

  • Focus at head and upper shoulders so the head occupies 70-80% of the photograph

  • Both eyes open, visible pupils, no glare or shadows

  • No sunglasses or dark glasses

  • No head coverings, except for religious reasons, provided that the entire face is visible

  • No other individuals or animals in the photo

  • Accepted formats: .jpg or .png, no scanned or copied photos

  • Max file-size: 5mb

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