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Register server

To manage server certificates, each server must first be registered. A server can be registered with or without an approval step.

Standard workflow


Server administrator

In Identity Manager, selects Server registration with approval. Enters server data, such as Subject Alternative Name (SAN) IP, location, common name and SAN DNS. Selects one or two server responsibles from the registered employees.

2Server certificate approver

Approves the registration.

No approval step.
3Server administrator

Selects a method to receive the P12 certificate, either download directly or send via email to the Server certificate registration officer.

4Identity Manager

Creates a server record. Maps the selected Server responsibles to employee records.

Sets the server to state Active.


Server responsibles

Gets a notification email that the server was registered with related information about the server and Server responsibles.-

Technical reference

Server Registration with ApprovalScmProcServerRegistrationWithApproval (see image)
Server Registration without Approval
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