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Release note Personal Desktop Client 5.1.2

Version: 5.1.2

Release Date: 2019-05-09


Nexus is proud to announce the availability of Nexus Personal Desktop Client 5.1.2.

Main new features

Plugout can use third-party PKCS#11 modules

It is now possible to instruct Plugout to use a third-party PKCS#11 module. This is done with the P11_Library option in the Plugout section of the configuration file.

Detailed feature list


Jira ticket noDescription

Plugout can use third-party PKCS#11 modules

It is now possible to instruct Plugout to use a third-party PKCS#11 module. This is done with the P11_Library option in the Plugout section of the configuration file.


Plugout automatically resizes authentication challenge image

When an authentication challenge image from Hybrid Access Gateway is too large for the current desktop, it is resized to maximum one quarter of the screen.

Corrected bugs

Jira ticket noDescription
PER-3786Signature calculation with CKM_RSA_PKCS scheme on CardOS 5 cards fails.
PER-3915Card pre-personalization using 4kbit PIN encryption certificate fails.
PER-3917The PKCS#11 module can crash on program exit.
PER-3919Wrong certificate can be displayed in token details window.
PER-3938Signature calculation and verification with CKM_RSA_X_509 scheme on CardOS 5.x cards fails.
PER-3945Malformed card data can cause Personal Desktop to crash.
PER-3947PIN wizard unblock can fail.


Contact Information

For information regarding support, training and other services in your area, please visit our website at


Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Nexus Personal Desktop Client to customers and partners. For more information, please refer to the Nexus Technical Support at, or contact your local sales representative.

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