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Release note Personal Desktop Client 5.2

Version: 5.2

Release Date: 2019-07-04


Nexus is proud to announce the availability of Nexus Personal Desktop Client 5.2. 

Detailed feature list


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macOS smart card app extension

A token driver app extension for smart card integration in macOS has been introduced. Now it is possible to use smart cards supported by Personal in native macOS applications such as Safari and Mail. For now, pinpad readers are not supported.


Plugout reads Windows proxy configuration

The plugout now tries to read the Windows proxy configuration, above environment variables already available. It supports static proxy address, not PAC or WPAD.


Make log location configurable

The log location can now be changed by setting the Trace option in the [Diagnostics] section of configuration file.

Corrected bugs

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Fixed issue where a user switch could cause Personal to display its GUI incorrectly, needing a manual window resize to fix. 


Fixed issue where the KeyGenerationSystem (KGS) would crash with certain scripts.


Improved pin pad support in Linux, so that pin pad readers now can be used in more use cases in Linux.

PER-3977, PER-3979

Improved the PIN wizard, so that there is no need to re-select the token when displayed from token context menu, and the token list now displays stored location.


Improved X.509 certificate support, so that the plugout now understands more complex X.509 certificates.


Contact Information

For information regarding support, training and other services in your area, please visit our website at


Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Nexus Personal Desktop Client to customers and partners. For more information, please refer to the Nexus Technical Support at, or contact your local sales representative.

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