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Set up state graph in Identity Manager

All objects, such as persons, cars, certificates, etc., in Smart ID Identity Manager have lifecycles. The lifecycle is defined in Identity Manager Admin in the form of a state graph. The state graph describes all states and the possible state transitions.

Change of states is done by the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) processes. The lifecycle state of the objects is stored in the internal database. 

State graphs can be uploaded as XML files or edited from scratch under Home > State Graph and will be stored in the Identity Manager database.

A state graph must be selected in the Identity Template configuration. For stateless object types, like lookup table entries, for example, you must therefore select a StatelessStateGraphDefinition as state graph.

Log in to Identity Manager Admin
  1. Log in to Identity Manager Admin as an administrator.
Create or import state graph (xml file)
  1. Go to Home > State Graphs.
  2. Click +New. Enter Name and Description.
  3. If you want to import a state graph, click Upload. Browse for and select a state graph xml file.
    The file name is then displayed.

    If you don't choose to upload a file, then a new state graph will be created.
  4. Click Save + Edit.

Example: State graph .xml file, describing states and transitions.

Edit states

In the States tab, all the individual states are displayed.

  1. Go to States.
  2. To add a new state, click +.
  3. To edit the details of a state, for example active, select it in the list. Enter an ID and a Name. Optionally, select a Color and an Icon to represent the state. For the icon, enter this image path: /images/16x16/alarm-error-icon.png

Example: State icons.

Edit transitions

In the Transitions tab, all the transitions are displayed.

  1. Go to Transitions.
  2. To add a transition, drag-and-drop the to-state from the left panel to the from-state in the middle panel. All valid transitions from the from-state are displayed as "→ to-state".
  3. To add a reason for the transition, select it by double-clicking it or click Show Details in the middle panel. In the Reasons panel, click +. Enter an ID and a Literal description.

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