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Smart ID Cards and credentials

This article describes the different types of cards and credentials recommended to complement the Smart ID Workforce modules solution. 

Cards and keyfobs

Nexus offers a wide variety of cards and keyfobs with various RFID and PKI technologies as well as accessories. For an assortment, see Selected hardware products.

Order cards and accessories as a service

To order ready-to-use cards as a service, see Nexus GO Cards

Smart cards for Windows logon

In the Smart ID solution Digital ID, the Nexus Personal Desktop Client is included to manage Windows logon via smart card. 

Mobile virtual smart cards

In the Nexus Smart ID solution Digital ID, standard processes are included for managing mobile identities using Smart ID Identity Manager and Smart ID Mobile App

Messaging solution

For communication between Smart ID Identity Manager and virtual smart cards or mobile virtual smart cards, Smart ID Messaging is needed. 

Virtual smart cards

In the Nexus Smart ID solution Digital ID, standard processes are included for managing virtual smart cards using Smart ID Identity Manager and Smart ID Desktop App

Software tokens

In the Nexus Smart ID solution Digital ID, standard processes are included for managing software tokens using Smart ID Identity Manager

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