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Deactivate smart card - Physical access

Standard workflow

ActorActionOptionPhysical IDDigital IDPhysical access
1Registration officer or HelpdeskIn Identity Manager: browses for the person, selects the card and then Deactivate card.Workflow is triggered automatically during the import of person data.



2Identity ManagerDeactivates card.-




3Identity Manager

Sends cards information to the PACS. The card is set to inactive in the PACS. 



4CADeactivates certificates.-




Identity Manager

Sends information mail to the person.





When the person is back again, the card needs to be reactivated. See Reactivate card - Physical ID

Technical references

The Physical access processes are modified and overwrites the corresponding Digital ID process.  

OptionPhysical ID

Digital ID & Physical access

Deactivate employee cardCCProcDeactivateEmployeeCard

PcmProcDeactivateEmployeeCard (see image)

Deactivate contractor cardCCProcDeactivateContractorCardPcmProcDeactivateContractorCard
Deactivate visitor cardCCProcDeactivateVisitorCardPcmProcDeactivateVisitorCard

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