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Identity Manager release note 23.10.2

Release date: 2023-10-30


Jira ticket no



As a security enhancement, it is now possible to encrypt configuration files when downloading in Identity Manager Admin or Identity Manager Operator. See Encrypt configuration files in Identity Manager for more information. 


A BPMN process editor has been added in Identity Manager Admin->Process Import has an extra tab when editing processes.

Adhoc-processes created with Process Designer should not be edited on the BPMN editor tab of Process Import. Process Designer might not be able to open them again.


Nexus Process Modeler, a derivation from Camundas , is now available with special features to be used with Identity Manager. It can be used as an offline editor for non-linear business processes. The same functionality is integrated in Identity Manager Admin. The standalone version will replace the Activiti designer Eclipse plugin in the future. 


A new feature allows easy connection with http-clients. Values from the process map can be used to configure the request and from the response values can be extracted to be written in the process map. See Set up Http Clients in Identity Manager for more information.


For Card-operations, PIN pad readers are now automatically detected. If a PIN pad is identified all PIN entries are made on the PIN pad. See Card initialization and credentials in Identity Manager for more information. 


Password hashes for newly created passwords are now created with the memory-hard Argon2 algorithm. See Configure user password hashing in Identity Manager for more information. 


When using certificates in connection authentication, you can configure the issuing CA certificate or root certificate instead of configuring the server certificate directly. One example is when different servers with different certificates from the same issuing CA are used, both will be accepted if the issuing CA certificate is configured.


The accessibility for Smart ID Self-Service has been improved. Some of the improvements are listed below:

  • Correct language setting

  • Avoiding multiple scrollbars 

  • Tab key navigation

  • Aria-labels

  • Relevant information for screen readers

  • Accessible modal messages


In Identity Manager Operator, when an expression entered in a form does not match the validation pattern, the expression is now kept and can be corrected.


In Smart ID Self-Service, numbers are now shown in the current locale.


The AriadNext connector has been improved. It is now possible to define the .json-format as needed. See Set up AriadNext connector for more information.


With 23.04 the behavior of role assignment was changed by having IDs instead of names to enable renamed roles in the "Assign Roles automatically" task. However, this lead to problems when the configuration was exported/imported so the change has been reverted.


The history-type entries ROLES_ADDED and ROLES_REMOVED have been added to make it possible to show role changes in the history of user objects. 


A new Service Task called "Set Variables in Process Map" has been added that allows to set the value of several variables at once. See Process - Standard service tasks in Identity Manager for more information. 

Corrected bugs 

Jira ticket no



In Identity Manager Admin, you can select the layout of a form with two areas arranged vertically or horizontally. This option had different results when the form was displayed in Smart ID Self-Service (as expected) or in Identity Manager Operator (wrong behavior). This has been fixed. See the upgrade instructions on how to update forms: Upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 23.04.x to 23.10.2

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