Mass-produce employee temporary smart cards - Physical access
In this workflow, the initial card profile is created which is needed for the assignment later on.
Standard workflow
Actor | Action | Option | Digital ID | Physical access | |
1 | Registration officer | In Identity Manager Operator, BATCH ORDER tab, selects Batch Order Temp. Card. | - |
2 | Registration officer | Selects a previously created temp. card. See Create temporary smart card - Digital ID | - |
3 | Registration officer | Clicks on Mass. Prod. Employee Temp. Card. Follows the steps which are shown. | - |
4 | Identity Manager | The card is issued and in state Unassigned. | - |
Technical references
Option | Digital ID |
Mass produce employee temporary smart card | PcmProcBatchOrderTemporaryCard and PcmSubProcTemporaryCardProduction (see image) |