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Mobile ID - script for managing options in Smart ID Identity Manager

This is the script that is used to manage the options in the Mobile ID package in Smart ID Identity Manager.

//---------------- Get Mobile ID / Supply Mobile ID for user ----------------

OPERATOR/SELF-SERVICE Defines what kind of certificates will be requested for the profile
 * true - Included in the certificate request
 * false - Not enrolled to the Mobile ID profile

MobileIDOptionRequestAuthenticationCertificate = true
MobileIDOptionRequestSignatureCertificate = true
MobileIDOptionRequestEncryptionCertificate = false


OPERATOR/SELF-SERVICE Defines the validity of the Mobile ID profile
def date = new Date()

CredentialsDp_ValidFrom = date

var yearsOfValidity = 2 // --> CHANGE HERE

// Calculate the validity by adding the 'yearsOfValidity' value to the current date 
use(TimeCategory) {
    CredentialsDp_ValidTo = binding.variables["CredentialsDp_ValidFrom"] + yearsOfValidity.year  


OPERATOR/SELF-SERVICE Defines properties which will be visible directly on the Mobile ID profile
MobileIDOptionUserID = binding.variables["UsersDp_Email"] // --> CHANGE WITHIN []
MobileIDOptionServerName = "Smart ID" // --> CHANGE HERE
MobileIDOptionProfileName = "MobileID " + binding.variables["UsersDp_CN"] // --> CHANGE WITHIN []


 Defines if the QR code to scan via Smart ID App should be sent out via email or displayed directly on a form within the process.

MobileIDSelfServiceOptionSendQRCodeViaEmail = false


OPERATOR: Defines if a form should be displayed to manually select encryption certificates for recovery or if the latest three encryption certificates should be recovered automatically in the background:
 * true - Display form
 * false(default) - Recover latest three encryption certificates
MobileIDOptionDisplayEncryptionCertificatesForm = true

OPERATOR/SELF-SERVICE Defines if an email should be sent out (true) about the successful creation or about a failed creation:
 * true (default)
 * false 
MobileIDOptionNotifyAboutFailedOrSuccesfulCreation = false
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