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Temporary cards - script for managing options for expiring temporary cards

This is the script that is used to manage the options for expiring cards in the Temporary cards package in Smart ID. 

---------------- Expiring check ----------------

Defines a list of days for when the expiring check email is sent out. 
These values must be comma-separated and as an Integer. 
Currently maximum day is 7. 
Changes need to be applied to the search configuration TempCardsSearchBatchSyncExpiring if higher value is required.
Possible options:
 * [7, 3](default) - Email will be sent out 7 and 3 days before expiring.
TempCardsEmailBeforeExpiringDays = [7, 3]

Defines if expiring check email is supposed to be sent each day after the last day in TempCardsEmailBeforeExpiringDays.
Example: If the last day(least) is 3 in TempCardsEmailBeforeExpiringDays. Send email on 2 and 1.
Possible options:
 * true(default)  - Email will be sent out every day after the last day in TempCardsEmailBeforeExpiringDays.
 * false - Emails will not be sent out after the last day in TempCardsEmailBeforeExpiringDays.
TempCardsEmailBeforeExpiringEachDay = true
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