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Temporary cards - script for managing options in Smart ID Identity Manager

This is the script that is used to manage the options in the Temporary cards package in Smart ID.

//---------------- Multiple temporary cards ----------------
Defines if multiple assigned temporary cards are allowed.
Possible options: 
 * true - Multiple assigned temporary cards are allowed. User is not restricted to only one temporary card.
 * false(default) - Multiple assigned temporary cards are not allowed. User is restricted to only one assigned temporary card.
TempCardsMultipleAssigned = false

//---------------- Validity ----------------
Defines the amount of days the temporary card will be valid.
Should match the validity date period of the certificates if present.
Possible options: 
 * 14(default) - The temporary card will be valid for 14 days after assignment.
TempCardsValidityDays = 14

//---------------- PIN and PUK Management ----------------
Defines how the Card PIN is delivered to the end user. 
Possible options: 
 * print(default) - Prints out a PIN letter.
 * email - Sends the PIN as email.
TempCardsPINDeliveryMethod = "print"

Defines the length of the PIN code.
Possible options:
 * 6(default) - PIN length is set to 6.
 * 4 - PIN length is set to 4.
TempCardsPINLength = "6"

Defines the length of the PUK code.
Possible options:
 * 8(default) - PUK length is set to 8.
TempCardsPUKLength = "8"

//---------------- Certificates ----------------
Defines if a temporary card will be encoded during assignment.
Possible options:
 * true(default) - The temporary card will be encoded during assignment.
 * false - The temporary card will not be encoded during assignment.
TempCardsEncode = true

Defines if a authentication certificate will be issued during the temporary card assignment.
Only valid if the option TempCardsEncode is set to true.
Possible options:
 * true(default) - Authentication certificate will be issued.
 * false - Authentication certificate will not be issued.
TempCardsIssueAuthentication = true

Defines if a signature certificate will be issued during the temporary card assignment.
Only valid if the option TempCardsEncode is set to true.
Possible options:
 * true(default) - Signature certificate will be issued.
 * false - Signature certificate will not be issued.
TempCardsIssueSignature = true

Defines if a encryption certificate will be issued during the temporary card assignment.
Only valid if the option TempCardsEncode is set to true.
Possible options:
 * true - Encryption certificate will be issued.
 * false(default) - Encryption certificate will not be issued.
TempCardsIssueEncryption = false
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