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Upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 22.04.4 to 22.04.5 and 22.10 to 22.10.2

This article describes how to upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 22.04.4 to 22.04.5 and 22.10 to 22.10.2.

These instructions only apply if you have kept the docker-compose.yml from the previous release. If you install a new docker configuration, you do not have to care about this, since this is part of the latest docker-compose files on the download portal.


Step-by-step instruction

Update parameter name in "Core Obejcts: Check Relation" service task

  1. If you use the service task "Core Objects: Check Relation" you need to rename the parameter "destionationDataPoolName", (which includes a typo in the name), to "destinationDataPoolName". For more information, see Core Objects - Standard service tasks in Identity Manager.

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