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Upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 23.04.18 to 23.04.19

This article describes how to upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 23.04.18 to 23.04.19.

Traefik update in docker package

If you use Smart ID on docker with Traefik version 3.0.2 it requires Hermod version 3.8.0 or later (included in Smart ID 23.04.19). Traefik version 3.0.2 and Hermod version 3.8.0 are included in Smart ID 23.04.19 docker package.

New index for Object History

Index creation can take a long time for larger history tables when running update_db.

New Ubuntu base image

In the Smart ID IDM Docker containers, the base image has been upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy). This requires Docker to be updated to 20.10.17 or later versions.

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