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Activate smart card - Physical access

Before an ID card can be used, it must be activated. 

If a signature pad is used, there is an option in the workflow to let the person give their signature when picking up the card.

Standard workflow


ActionOptionPhysical IDDigital IDPhysical access
1PersonReceives the card.-





Issuing authority or Registration officer

In Identity Manager: browses for the person and selects Activate card.

In Smart ID Self-Service: Self-service user selects Activate card.





Identity Manager

Changes card state to Active.

Before the card being activated, the person signs on a signature pad, to confirm fetching the card.




4Identity Manager

Sends the card information to the PACS. The card is set to active in the PACS.



5Identity ManagerSends activation mail to the person including PIN and PUK.A PIN information letter is printed and handed to the person.




Technical references

The Physical access processes are modified and overwrites the corresponding Digital ID process.  

OptionPhysical IDDigital ID & Physical access
Activate employee cardCCProcActivateEmployeeCard

PcmProcActivateEmployeeCard (see image)

Activate contractor cardCCProcActivateContractorCardPcmProcActivateContractorCard
Activate visitor cardCCProcActivateVisitorCard


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