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Cards (external production) - Manage option to set PIN by user

This article describes how to manage the option to set the PIN by the user during activation, or if it should be generated . This option is used when activating a card for the Cards add-on External production package. A script in Identity Manager Admin is used to manage the options.

See a list of all available options in the Smart ID use cases here: Cards add-on External production - Options




Step-by-step instruction for the administrator

Log in to Identity Manager Admin
  1. Log in to Identity Manager Admin as Administrator.
Set the PIN by the user
  1. In Identity Manager Admin, go to Home > Scripts.
  2. Select the script CardsAddonExtProdScriptOptions.
  3. In the section PIN and PUK Management in the script, go to the CardsAddonExtProdActivateSetPIN variable, see the example. By default it is set to true, which means that the PIN is set by the user during activation.


    Defines if the PIN is set by the user during activation or generated. 
    Possible options: 
     * true(default) - PIN is set by the user during activation.
     * false - PIN is generated during activation.
    CardsAddonExtProdActivateSetPIN = true
  4. If you want the PIN to be generated during activation, set CardsAddonExtProdActivateSetPIN to false.
  5. Click Save in the upper left corner to save the updated script (or exit without saving if there are no updates).

Technical details

Default value and outcome

True (default)

The PIN is set by the user during activation
FalseThe PIN is generated during activation
The manage options script

Click here to see the whole manage options script.

Related information

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