Certificate Manager clients
This article includes updates for Certificate Manager 8.10.
This article describes the clients that are included in Smart ID Certificate Manager.
Administrator's workbench (AWB)
The Administrator's workbench (AWB) is used by administration officers for setting up CA-unique configurations.
For example, these tasks are managed in the AWB:
Initiate creation of CA keys and CAs
Initiate creation of Signing Authorities
Implement CA policies, defining how certificates should be issued
Configure distribution rules for certificates and revocation lists
Manage officer roles and define officers
View request log and CIS log
Registration Authority (RA)
The Registration Authority (RA) in Certificate Manager is used by officers to send various kinds of certificate requests to the CM host.
For example, these tasks are managed in the RA:
Create PKCS#12 files
Store certificates on smart cards
Import PKCS#10 requests
Recover archived keys
Issue attribute certificates
Certificate Controller (CC)
The Certificate Controller (CC) in Certificate Manager is used by officers to publish and manage publications, activate OCSP, revoke, and reinstate certificates either individually or in groups.
For example, these tasks are managed in the CC:
Revoke attribute certificates
Searching for and view certificates
View certificate status and properties
Export search result to text file in comma separated value (.CSV) format
Import CSV format files with certificate content information for searching and revocation
Publish certificates
Revoke certificates
Put certificates on hold
Reinstate certificates
Activate OCSP
Update revocation password
Remove subjects
Secure Printer (SP)
The Secure Printer (SP) in Certificate Manager client is used by officers to search for, sort, create, and print PIN and PUK letters containing secret codes within a sealed envelope.
PIN and PUK letters can be printed for personalized cards as well as not yet produced cards, in so called anonymous letters. Anonymous letters are associated with cards by using the RA. Printer templates are used for defining the printing layout.