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Configure colors for quick search buttons in Smart ID Self-Service

This article includes updates for Smart ID 22.10.

This article describes how to configure the colors of the quick search buttons in the Smart ID Self-Service.


In this article, <SMARTIDHOME> refers to /home/nexus, but this can be different depending on the setup.


Step-by-step instruction

Configure colors for quick search buttons

  1. First read the information in Configure branding in Smart ID Self-Service.

  2. The colors of the quick search buttons are configured in the theme.css file. See this example:

    Example: Color of the quick search buttons

      /* The color of the background of the quick search buttons */
      --quick_search_btn_bg_color: tomato;
      /* The color of the quick search buttons when selected */
      --quick_search_btn_selected_color: black;  

    In this example, the background of the quick search buttons will have the color "tomato" and when a quick search button is selected, the text on the button will have the color "black".

  3. The search buttons have these meanings:

    1. / - press the "/"-key on the key board to start writing what to search for.

    2. Cc - the search is done on exact case.

    3. w - the search is done on a whole word.

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