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Critical Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2024-56337, CVE-2024-50379)

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General information

A new critical security vulnerability for Tomcat application servers was reported on 2024-12-20. The vulnerability opens a remote code execution (RCE) flaw, which can only be abused on operating systems with non-case-sensitive file systems. This practically affects all Tomcat servers running on Windows Server. We recommend all customers running Tomcat-based Nexus components to update their systems as described below.

Linux-based or Docker-based installations are not affected.

Official sites for the CVEs

Affected components

Only Tomcat installations on non-case insensitive file systems (for example Windows Server) are affected.

If you have one of the following Nexus server components hosted on Windows, please update your Tomcat installation(s):

  • Identity Manager

  • Hermod

Update Tomcat version

Users are recommended to upgrade to Tomcat version 9.0.98,10.1.34 or 11.0.2, which fixes the issue.

Tomcat version 9.0.x:

  • Update to 9.0.98 or higher

Tomcat version 10.1.x:

  • Update to 10.1.34 or higher

Tomcat version 11.0.x:

  • Update to 11.0.2 or higher

Tomcat startup configuration

Ensure that the Java system property is set for Tomcat as described below:

Running on Java 8 or Java 11:

  • Set the system property to false. It defaults to true.

Running on Java 17:

  • Set the system property, if set, to false. It defaults to false.

Running on Java 21 and later versions:

  • No further configuration is required. The system property and the problematic cache have been removed.

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