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Delete external CA certificate in Certificate Manager

This article describes how to delete a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate that was imported from an external CA, outside Smart ID Certificate Manager (CM). This task is done in the Administrator's workbench (AWB).


The following prerequisites apply:

  • An administration officer must sign the request.

  • The officer must have the following roles:

    • Use AWB

    • CA and Key tasks

  • A connection to the CM host must have been established (see Connect to a Certificate Manager host).

Delete external CA certificate

  1. In AWB, select the external CA/SA, that shall be deleted, in the Authority Hierarchy.

  2. Select Edit > Delete, or select Delete from the toolbar or the shortcut menu.

  3. In the Signature dialog box, enter the PIN code for the officer and click OK.

You are returned to the AWB window.

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