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Log in to Physical Access admin panel

This article is valid for Smart ID 21.04 and later.

This article describes how to log in to the admin panel in Smart ID Physical Access component.

  1. Open the Physical Access admin panel:
    1. Browse to the URL https://<PA container IP address or domain name>:<PA_SCIM_PORT_PUBLIC>, where the IP address is given after Smart ID deployment and the port PA_SCIM_PORT_PUBLIC is defined in the Smart ID environment file. See Deploy Smart ID
      The admin panel opens in the browser. 
    2. Example: or
  2. The first time you enter the admin panel, you are redirected from the Login page to a Registration page. Register an admin user, by entering a username and password.
  3. Log in with your admin user.
    You are directed to the Configuration page. Here, any PACS connector services will be shown when they have been configured.  
  4. The selected password can be changed at any time, by clicking Change Password

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