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Login issues

This article contains troubleshooting guidance for login problems in Digital Access, including issues related to passwords, accounts and connectivity.


If you encounter the error message Logon credentials not accepted during your login attempt, it may be due to various scenarios.


Check Audit logs in Digital Access portal.


Incorrect Password

User entered wrong password for Password Authentication


The password of the user account must be changed.  An Admin can reset the password from the Digital Access Admin portal.

Account locked

Rejecting user for Password Authentication since Account is time locked

The user account needs to be unlocked from admin portal before changing the password.



The password of the user account must be changed. An Admin can reset the password from the Digital Access Admin portal.

Active Directory (AD)- Connection issues

Rejecting user for Password Authentication since Directory service is down

This error usually occurs if the Active Directory service linked to the user account is disconnected. You can also find detailed error messages and conditions from System logs.


Make sure the Active Directory is connected in Digital Access Admin portal.

Related information

Link Digital Access users to a directory service like Active Directory

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.