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Physical Access database - common parameters

This article is valid for Smart ID 21.04 and later.

This article describes parameters in the Physical Access database that are common for all PACS connectors. 

For more information, see Integrate Identity Manager with physical access control system (PACS)

group: messagingqueue

keyData typeRequired or OptionalDescription

IP Address of Message Queue Server. If it is installed on the local server then we can use localhost. If we are accessing this server remotely then need to mention IP address.


Username of message queue server.

Default value: “guest”


Password of message queue server.

Default value: “guest”


Defines which messaging queue to be used, either "rabbitmq" or "azureservicebus".

Default value: "rabbitmq"

group: general

keyData typeRequired or OptionalDescription

Defines if the user shall be deleted if no active entitlement assignment are present for that user.

Valid values: true or false.

Default: true


Defines if the user shall be deleted if no active access tokens are present for that user.

Valid values: true or false.

Default: true 



Heartbeat interval is the time difference between two successive heartbeats, and it is used to know if the system is in active (running) or in inactive (stopped) state.

Default value and minimum value: 60 seconds. If it is set less than 60 seconds, it will be considered as 60 seconds to update the status.

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