Upgrade docker to a version >= 20.10.10 before you upgrade Digital Access to this or higher versions, since docker <= 20.10.9 has compatibility issues with used the OpenJDK version.
Minor feature improvements
Jira ticket no
Added Delta logging feature in Digital Access Admin. See the help text in Digital Access Admin UI. For more information, see section "Make settings that apply to all logs" in Status and reports in Digital Access.
On authentication with Freja eID, it is now possible to use REGISTRATION_LEVEL as "Attribute to return" under Extended Properties.
Corrected bugs
Jira ticket no
Upgraded the xmlsec library to version xmlsec-3.0.2.
Changed the log level of some of the logs in SAML from INFO to DEBUG to clean up the log files.
Contact information
For information regarding support, training, and other services in your area, visit www.nexusgroup.com/.
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