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Release note Hermod 2.5.1

Version: 2.5.1

Release Date: 2020-10-30


The Smart ID Messaging component Hermod 2.5.1 has been released today.

Detailed feature list


JIRA ticket noDescription
PMOB-2442hideSensitive config setting is now true as default
PMOB-2456Added validation to make sure that null isn't used in the 'to' list
PMOB-2494Added support for a special testMode to automatically trigger a load test simulator for prov/auth/sign
PMOB-2498New database indexes added to certain tables
PMOB-2502Return http status 503 if database lock cant be acquired after retries
PMOB-2510Added retry to sql queries if a database lock cant be acquired

Corrected bugs

JIRA ticket noDescription
PMOB-2421Added validation to prevent empty userid in provisioning


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Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Nexus Personal Messaging to customers and partners. For more information, please refer to the Nexus Technical Support at, or contact your local sales representative.

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