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Release note Hermod 3.1.5

Version: 3.1.5

Release Date: 2021-09-22

Detailed feature list


JIRA ticket no



Added support for cycling between different types of QR codes (for example HTTP, personal, NFC) to make it easier to test apps (Hermod test app GUI).


Added support for more use cases in start- and endPinReset commands (used by Smart ID Desktop App).

Corrected bugs

JIRA ticket no



Improved validation of the optional certificate, by checking if the current date and time are within the validity period given in the certificate during response signature validation.


Improved handling of missing json elements to ensure future/backward compatibility.

Contact information and support

For information regarding support, training, and other services in your area, visit Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Smart ID components to customers and partners.

For more information, go to Nexus Technical Support or contact your local sales representative.

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