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Release note Hermod 3.6.0

Version: 3.6.0

Release Date: 2023-02-27

Detailed feature list


Hermod cannot run with old database script

Hermod is not backwards compatible with previous database script. Make sure to use the current script.

JIRA ticket no



Upgraded to Spring Boot 3.0 including Spring Cloud 2022.0.0. 


An administrator can now offboard and remove a user and its user data from the database. A new group table is added to manage or delete groups based on flag type.

You must run the database script version 3.6.0 to create the new group table. This process has no impact on tables generated from previous scripts.


Added a new API to list, flag, and delete group tables in Swagger.


The trailing slash is deprecated for Rest API calls and will be removed in the next release.


Updated base image to use Java 17.0.6.

Corrected bugs


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