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Release note Nexus OCSP Responder 6.2.5

Version: 6.2.5

Release Date: 2023-05-08


Handle OCSP unauthorized response in forwarding OCSP

Fixes an error which occurred when handling the responses in a forwarding OCSP where the target OCSP responds with 200 OK and OCSP unauthorized code. When this error occurred the response was not sent to the originating requesting client.

Handle OCSP without body

Fixes an error which occurred when handling responses where the body was empty.

Documentation improvement for certificate cache

Small clarification to the certificate cache functionality, which is used with directory service lookups of certificates. For more information, see Certificate cache section.

Detailed feature list

For a detailed overview of changed functionality, deprecated functions, and corrected problems, see Release.txt which is provided with the installation media.

Contact and support

For information regarding support, training, and other services in your area, visit

Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Nexus OCSP Responder to customers and partners. For more information, see Nexus Technical Support or contact your local sales representative.

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