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Release notes Smart ID Desktop App 1.13.x

Smart ID Desktop App 1.12 and later versions are not available for download on Microsoft Store.

Release date: 2024-04-23

Corrected bugs

  • PEX-1839: Solved a context-related issue for CardOS minidriver API call "MD_TerminateCard".

  • PEX-1829: Solved an issue where Smart ID Desktop App could crash after importing data using the metadata tool.

There are no limitations for this release.


Release date: 2024-01-31


  • PEX-1694: Solved an issue where RSA 4K certificates were not displayed in the application.

There are no limitations for this release.


Release date: 2023-11-20


  • PEX-1488: Added support for secure OTP activation in the app based on the Dynamic Symmetric Key Provisioning Protocol (DSKPP) as defined in RFC6063.

  • PEX-1636: Solved an issue where a temporary card could not be produced.

There are no limitations for this release.


Release date: 2023-10-11

This release comes with support for certificate filtering based on key usage. Smart ID Desktop App 1.13.3 includes improved installation processes on Windows and enhanced remote PIN reset functionality. 

There are no limitations for this release.

Release date: 2023-11-01


  • PEX-1590/PEX-1619: Improved handling of app settings to cater for a consistent behavior on repeated app downgrade and upgrade.

There are no limitations for this release.


Release date: 2023-09-19


  • PEX-1530: You can now select "Don't show this message again" in the dialog box that appears when you are in a remote desktop session. 

Corrected bugs

  • PEX-1522: Solved an issue where base64 encoding was incorrectly assumed during communication with Hermod.

  • PEX-1523: Solved an issue where recovered certificates would not be installed.

  • PEX-1526: Solved an issue where an encryption certificate was not deleted from Windows user certificate store when a VSC was deleted from Smart ID Desktop App.

There are no limitations for this release.


Release date: 2023-08-30


  • PEX-1501: Improved the logs and added log file for standard verbosity in the Metadata tool. The dump function will no longer export lines that are not relevant to the settings.

Corrected bugs

  • PEX-1361: Solved and issue where PIN code was unintentionally required for manual deletion of certificate(s).

  • PEX-1362: Solved an issue where a TPM slot was cleaned up when the VSC provisioning process was cancelled during the reset PIN step.

  • PEX-1363: Solved an issue where the profile delete button did not work.

  • PEX-1372: Solved a UI navigation issue which occurred when a user clicked "back" during profile activation.

  • PEX-1374: Solved an issue where the Smart ID Desktop App crashed on broken network connection while waiting for server response. An error message is now displayed instead.

  • PEX-1375: Solved an issue where the Smart ID Desktop App got stuck when trying to import a corrupted P12-file. An error message is now displayed instead.

  • PEX-1376: Solved an issue where the Smart ID Desktop App crashed on broken network connection while entering a PIN code. An error message is now displayed instead.

  • PEX-1377: Solved an issue where no error message appeared when the name of a profile was empty when importing a P12-file.

  • PEX-1378: Solved an issue where an error message was missing the reason of failure when importing a P12-file with empty certificate password.

  • PEX-1434: Solved an issue where a TPM-slot was not cleaned up when a P12-file import to VSC was cancelled during the import process.

  • PEX-1436: Solved an issue where the PIN confirmation dialog was unintentionally displayed when a Yubikey PIN reset was cancelled during profile activation.

  • PEX-1481: Solved an issue where an "Unrecognized windows10 version: 19045" warning was thrown.

  • PEX-1500: Solved an issue in the Metadata tool where imported settings were not acknowledged and the export was stuck in mode: "Previous import not processed yet, run the application first."

There are no limitations for this release.


Release date: 2023-07-04


  • PEX-1316: Smart ID Desktop App is now supported on Windows 11.

  • PEX-1326: The "Grant permission to create VSC" toggle has been removed from the advanced settings of Smart ID Desktop App.

  • PEX-1382: One-Time-Password (OTP) is now introduced as a new feature in Smart ID Desktop App. See Set up an OATH-compliant mobile/desktop app as authentication method for more information.

  • PEX-1404: Accessibility improvements in terms of making progress bar messages available to external narrator software.

  • PEX-1460: Smart ID Desktop App is now supported on Windows 2019 and Windows 2022.

Corrected bugs

  • PEX-1454: Solved an issue where Smart ID Desktop App sometimes crashed during the first run.

  • PEX-1463: Solved an issue where Smart ID Desktop App could not be installed due to an unsigned PowerShell script which could not be executed.

There are no limitations for this release.

Contact and support

For information regarding support, training, and other services in your area, visit . Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Smart ID Desktop App to customers and partners.

For more information, go to Nexus Technical Support or contact your local sales representative.

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