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Renew software token - self-service

When a software token is expiring, then it can be renewed in Smart ID Self-Service. 

Standard workflow

1Identity Manager

On a configurable interval, Identity Manager runs the Expiry check, which finds all software token certificates that will expire within the coming period.

For each affected user, the steps below are done.

Automatically requests to renew all software tokens that belong to active users. 

2Self-service userReceives an email with instructions. Logs in to Smart ID Self-Service and chooses Renew software token.-
3Identity Manager

Revokes expired authentication and signing certificates. Keeps and reuses old encryption certificates.


Issues a set of new certificates, as needed. The certificates are stored in Identity Manager. 


Smart ID Self-Service renewal

Technical reference

  • PstmProcSubSubProcRenewSofttoken
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