Renew software token - self-service
When a software token is expiring, then it can be renewed in Smart ID Self-Service.
Standard workflow
Actor | Action | Option | |
1 | Identity Manager | On a configurable interval, Identity Manager runs the Expiry check, which finds all software token certificates that will expire within the coming period. For each affected user, the steps below are done. | Automatically requests to renew all software tokens that belong to active users. |
2 | Self-service user | Receives an email with instructions. Logs in to Smart ID Self-Service and chooses Renew software token. | - |
3 | Identity Manager | Revokes expired authentication and signing certificates. Keeps and reuses old encryption certificates. | - |
4 | CA | Issues a set of new certificates, as needed. The certificates are stored in Identity Manager. | - |
Smart ID Self-Service renewal
Technical reference
- PstmProcSubSubProcRenewSofttoken