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Replacing Freja JWS validation certificate

Freja has announced a change in the JWS validation certificate which will affect runtime Freja eID authentication mechanism in Digital Access.

The change is scheduled to take place on the 11th of May between 09:00 and 10:00 CET and when the change has been effectuated the Freja eID authentication method will not work until having updated the certificate in DA as described below.

Read more on the Freja eID site.

Do the following to replace the Freja JWS validation certificate:

  1. Sign into Digital Access administration service with a super admin account.
  2. Click Manage System > Certificates and select Add Certificate Authority.
  3. Add the new settings for the new production certificate. The new certificate is available here.
  4. Click Manage System > Authentication Methods and select the Freja eID method.
  5. Change the Freja Certificate to the new Freja eID JWS Signing v3 that you added above.
  6. Publish the changes.

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