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Send encryption software tokens to stand-in

If a person needs a stand-in, for example a colleague to have the rights to read encrypted emails, then the encryption certificates can be sent to the stand-in.

Standard workflow

1Software token administrator

In Identity Manager: Searches for and clicks on an active person. Clicks Send encryption certificates to stand-in. In the displayed form, searches for and selects a stand-in. Clicks Next.

2Software token user

Receives email with request for sending the certificates to the stand-in.

In Smart ID Self-Service: Clicks Open Tasks. Approves and confirms the request. Searches for and selects which software tokens to send to the stand-in.

3CARecovers the corresponding certificates. -
4Identity Manager

Generates and displays passphrases for the certificates in Open Tasks, and shows the software token in Certificates.

5Stand-in personFor each software token, receives an email with the certificate attached in a PKCS#12 container and instructions on how to install the certificate locally.-

Technical references

  • PstmProcSendCertificatesToStand-In
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