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Administration of Card SDK includes configuration with the Configuration Manager tool. Also the status of the system can be retrieved.

Configure system

The Configuration Manager is the tool to configure all local settings like user interface language, printers, encoding devices and SDK license. You can start it directly using the link in the Nexus Card SDK program group from the Windows Start menu or by the corresponding desktop link. Furthermore, there is the possibility to start it by a web service request.

When starting it via web service request, you will not be able to change a few very basic settings like the web service port.

As the request opens a user interface, it may only be called from localhost.

Request and Response overview

Request (REST)

POST http://localhost:54880/ConfigManager

Request (SOAP)

soap operation ConfigManager

Request Data

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration language="EN"/>

Response Data on success

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Response Data on error see Introduction to API.

Request and Response in detail



[in], Required. Root element for the ConfigurationManger request.


[in] Language of the user interface. For details see the notes in Introduction to API.

Retrieve system status

The SystemStatus request is used to retrieve the current system status. As the request does not have an user interface, the web service may be located at localhost or at a separate machine.

Request and Response overview

Request (REST)

GET http://localhost:54880/SystemStatus

Request (SOAP)

soap operation SystemStatus

Request Data

None. Therefore, note to use HTTP GET and not POST when using REST!

Response Data on success

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<sdk version=""/>
	<license valid="true"/>
	<machine name="Workstation75216" port="54880"/>
	<production_status id="0" text="Ready"/>

Response Data on error see Introduction to API.

Request and Response in detail



[out] Root element for the system status request.


[out] SDK Version according to the following four numbers scheme:



[out] The general information (true or false) if the SDK is in charge of a valid license.


[out] The machine name where the web service is installed.

system/machine/@port[out] The port number that is used by the web service.


[out] The identifier and a textual representation of the current web service status. The value signals the status to accept CardJob requests.

  • id = 0 means the service is ready. A sent card job will be processed immediately.
  • id = 1 means the service is busy. If a new card job is sent it is queued (which means the request will only return when the current card job request is processed).

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