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Card ordering API

This article describes the Card ordering REST API for Nexus GO Cards.

Get an access token

With the Nexus Card ordering API, you can build in card ordering functions into your own application.

To use the ordering API, you need to get an access token. Do the following:

  1. Log in to the GO Cards order portal You will receive your login credentials to the portal from Nexus.

  2. In the order portal, click on Administration > API.

    1. Click on the "Show details" symbol to the right on the row. You will then see the Client secrets:

      • ClientID

      • ClientSecret

  3. In the Authentication API (Nexus GO Cards authentication), authenticate with the ClientID and ClientSecret to get the access token.

The Client secrets can be regenerated for higher level of security. To allow for zero-downtime for the clients, regenerate one of the Client secret at a time.

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