Configure menu items in Smart ID Self-Service
This article is valid for Smart ID 21.04 and later.
This article describes how to configure the menu items that shall be shown in Smart ID Self-Service.

In this article, <SMARTIDHOME> refers to /home/nexus, but this can be different depending on the setup.
Add menu items
Which menu items to show in Smart ID Self-Service, and what they shall contain, can be customized. A menu item will only be shown if it contains any sub-items.
You do the customization in Smart ID Identity Manager Admin.
In Identity Manager Admin, go to Home > Search Configurations.
Either create or edit an existing search configuration.
Go to the Purpose tab. Select where the search shall be used. In this example, the search shall be used in Smart ID Self-Service. Mark Self-Service Search and select an appropriate name in the drop down list. This will be the menu item name in Smart ID Self-Service. In this example, where we selected a certificate core temple as reference, select Certificates.
Go to the Permissions tab. Add permissions for different users, that is, who shall be able to see this menu item? Select the roles, for example, Administrator, BaseRoleSelfServiceUser and BaseRoleRegistrationOfficer.
Click Save.
To see the newly created menu item in Smart ID Self-Service, clear the cash in Smart ID Identity Manager Operator and reload Smart ID Self-Service.
Translate menu items
The translations are not set in Smart ID Self-Service, but in the Smart ID Identity Manager translation files
Go to <SMARTIDHOME>/docker/compose/identitymanager/config/translations.
Open (or the any files matching the locale you want to change the translations for).
Change the values: