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Delete reason - deactivate asset

This article describes how a Workplace asset administrator deletes a reason to deactivate an asset in the Workplace package in Smart ID Identity Manager.

For more information about assets, see Smart ID Workplace use cases.




Step-by-step instruction

Delete reason - deactivate asset
  1. In Identity Manager Operator, go to the Search page and select Workplace reason - deactivate from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Search and select the wanted reason.
  3. Click Delete reason - deactivate asset.

Use case details

Overview and technical details
Use case description

A Workplace asset administrator wants to delete a reason for deactivation of an asset


Deleted reason for deactivation of an asset

Symbolic name


Process name

Delete reason


Identity Manager Operator

Process start

Search>Workplace reason - deactivate>Delete reason - deactivate asset

Related information

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