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End of Life for Nexus CardDesk versions R1 and R2

As part of Nexus strategy of continued investment into the Smart ID packages, we would like to inform you that we are announcing End of Life for the product Nexus CardDesk versions R1 and R2.

To ensure a smooth transition to Nexus Smart ID, we are ready to support customers who wish to migrate to the new solution. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Nexus sales representative or your business contact.

ProductStatusDate EffectiveReplacement Product
Nexus CardDesk versions R1 & R2EOLDecember 31, 2019

Smart ID Workforce modules

> Contact Nexus

Nexus policy and lifecycle definitions

Products reach the end of their lifecycle for a variety of reasons. These reasons may reflect market demand, technology driven innovations and product maturity. While this is an established part of the overall product lifecycle, Nexus considers it highly important to share all product state information with our customers and partners. This policy allows for adequate time to prepare for changes in availability of products and components, manage their development, and administer support or maintenance accordingly. 

"End of Sale” (EOS) indicates that a product or a product release is no longer available for purchase, but Nexus will continue to provide support per maintenance agreements. Prior to EOS, customers will have the opportunity to make last-time purchases/buy of products and licenses.

“End of Life” (EOL) defines a product or a product release that is no longer available for purchase and will no longer be supported by Nexus. EOL is the final stage in the overall process. Once a product release has been classified as “EOL”, there is no development (including bug fixes), there is no repair or replacement support, and Support is limited to documentation and downloads. Customers are required to upgrade to a current product version to obtain support unless there are special cases where custom support with Nexus support are in place.

For details about Nexus Product Lifecycle: 

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