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Install Nexus Timestamp Server on Linux

This article includes updates for Nexus Timestamp Server 2.3.0.

This article describes how to install Nexus Timestamp Server on Linux.


Install Nexus Timestamp Server 

Download installation file

  1. Go to Nexus support download area

  2. Download the zip file containing nexus-timestamp-installer.jar into any desired directory.

Decide directory for Nexus Timestamp Server

Decide a directory in which Nexus Timestamp Server will be installed, for example, /usr/local/timestamp-server. This directory will be referred to as <install> and shall be the one used in the installation procedure.

Start installation

  1. Start a terminal window and write the following:

    sudo java -jar nexus-timestamp-installer.jar

You can also to initiate a console installation with the command sudo java -jar nexus-timestamp-installer.jar -console from an administrator command prompt.

  1. Follow the instructions during the installation. 

    1. It is recommended to install the sample configuration and modify it.

    2. Nexus Timestamp Server will be installed into <install>.

  2. Nexus Timestamp Server is installed as a service. The configuration is installed into /etc/timestamp-server (referred to as <conf>) and the databases and logs will be written to /var/ timestamp-server (referred to as <var>).

Run installation script

Run the installation script as follows:
sh <timestamp-server-install-dir>/bin/ install timestamp-server <youruser> <yourgroup>

Copy license file

Copy the license file that you have received from Nexus to <conf>/license>.

Start service

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Run the following command: $service timestamp-server start or $systemctl start timestamp-server

Verify installation

Start a browser and verify that you can see the services at the Nexus Timestamp Web Interface. The default location URL is http://localhost:8878.

Uninstall Nexus Timestamp Server

See Uninstall Nexus Timestamp Server on Linux.

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