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Person forgot software token password

If a person forgot the password for the software token, two workflows are available, depending on the type of certificate:

  • Authentication or signing certificate: the old certificate must be revoked and a new certificate has to be issued with a new password.
  • Encryption certificate: the certificate can be recovered to get a new password.

Standard workflow for authentication and signing certificates

1Software token user

In Smart ID Self-Service: Clicks Certificates, clicks on the authentication or signing certificate with the forgotten password, and then on Lock certificates.

For more information, see Revoke all software tokens.

2Software token user

In Smart ID Self-Service: Clicks Request softtoken. Select the same software token type as for the locked token.

For more information, see Request or issue software token.


Standard workflow for encryption certificates

1Software token user

In Smart ID Self-Service: Clicks Recover multiple softtokens. Select the software token.

For more information, see the Use case: A person needs to recover encryption certificate softtokens, for example to read old emails above.

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