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Release note Nexus Timestamp Server 2.3.0

Version: 2.3.0

Release Date: 2024-05-29



Updated configuration parameters for OCSP validation filters

Updated configurations for RevocationValidationFilter and OcspValidationFilter due to updates to the HTTP client. This means that old configurations may need to be migrated.

See Configure outbound HTTP Proxy for more information.

Support for Microsoft Authenticode signatures

Nexus Timestamp Server now supports Microsoft Authenticode time stamping. Authenticode signatures provide authorship and integrity guarantees for binary data, for example: .exe and .ps1. To enable this feature, see

For more information, see Configure Authenticode Timestamp and

Support for multiple digest algorithms

Nexus Timestamp Server now supports multiple digest algorithms coming from the client request. To activate this feature, add digest algorithms in the MessageImprint filter, separated by commas.

Example configuration:

Log incoming IP address

The IP address of the incoming request can now be logged. See <ipaddress> under Logging in Nexus Timestamp Server.

Java 17 support

Nexus Timestamp Server now supports Oracle and OpenJDK Java 17.

Removed Derby support

It is no longer possible to use Derby as database of choice for Nexus Timestamp Server.

Removed Java 11 support

Nexus Timestamp Server no longer supports Java 11.

To view earlier release notes, go to Nexus Timestamp Server release notes.

Contact and support

For information regarding support, training, and other services in your area, visit Nexus offers maintenance and support services to customers and partners.

For more information, go to Nexus Technical Support or contact your local sales representative.

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