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Release note Smart ID Desktop App 1.5.1

Version: 1.5.1

Release Date: 2021-04-01


Nexus Smart ID Desktop App 1.5.1 has been released today.

Main new features

The following features were introduced to improve the user experience regarding the installation process and creation of virtual smart cards.

No need for sideload handling for administrators when installing via command line

Previously, sideloading had to be enabled in Windows to install the Smart ID Desktop App via the command line. Since admin rights are necessary for sideloading, the app was installed on the admin account. 

With version 1.5.1, this process is autonomous, that is, when installing the .msi in the elevated prompt, the app is installed on the currently logged account. And there is no need to take care of sideloading. 

Easier creation of virtual smart cards

A new option for the msiexec installation, means that the administrator gives permanent consent to allow creation of virtual smart cards. With this consent, there is no longer a need for a separate step to create the VSC manually before provisioning. For more information, see Create virtual smart card.

Provision app to all users

A new option for the msiexec installation, allows the administrator to provision the Smart ID Desktop App on the whole machine, instead of only to one user. For more information, see Install and upgrade Smart ID Desktop App.

Detailed feature list


Jira ticket no



Added provisioned installation option.

For more information, see Install and upgrade Smart ID Desktop App.


Added option to create VSCs in user mode during standard operation. 

For more information, see Create virtual smart card.

Corrected bugs

Jira ticket noDescription

Changed outside calling logic to default 64-bit. Fixed customer usecase on 1709.

PEX-838Congrats message for Spin Message was not displayed, when used with the Activation button.
PEX-852Fixed the bug in package signing for appx outside of MSI.
PEX-856Small issue with secure logging fixed


There is a limitation regarding older versions of Windows.

See Limitations for Smart ID Desktop App.


Contact Information

For information regarding support, training and other services in your area, please visit our website at


Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Smart ID Desktop App to customers and partners. For more information, please refer to the Nexus Technical Support at, or contact your local sales representative.

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