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Release notes Digital Access component 6.7.0

Release date: 2024-06-07

Feature improvements

Jira ticket number



Added support for Open ID Connect Authorization code flow with PKCE when Digital Access is the Open ID provider to facilitate federation with native apps and single page applications.


Security update for the openSSL library.


It is now possible to fetch all operational attributes in case of openLDAP by selecting the checkbox Fetch all operational attributes while adding or editing an openLDAP type user storage.

Corrected bugs

Jira ticket number



Security update for Postgres JDBC driver.


In Digital Access 6.5.1, and later versions, there was a bug related to the server certificates failure after upgrade. This has been fixed.


This release comes with a fixed OIDC implicit grant flow to be supported when the response_type='token id_token' is passed. Previously, it was set to ‘id_token token’ and only accepted in this order.


Before this bug-fix, Digital Access services would always tear down connections and reconnect to the User and OATH databases upon receiving published configuration. This has been resolved and the database connections are now preserved and only teared down when changes are made specifically to the database settings.

This improves the stability, especially when having integrations with external federations, such as the Swedish Skolfederation, when the configuration is automatically updated regularly.

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