Smart ID Desktop App requirements and interoperability
This article includes for Smart ID Desktop App 2.0.
This article provides installation requirements and interoperability data for Smart ID Desktop App.
Smart ID Desktop App uses approximately 50 MB of hard disk space for installing all of the components it consists of.
Trusted platform module (TPM)
Required only for Virtual Smart Card (VSC) use-cases.
Trusted Platform Module (TPM, also known as ISO/IEC 11889) is an international standard for a secure crypto processor, a dedicated microcontroller designed to secure hardware through integrated cryptographic keys.
The following versions are supported:
Trusted platform module (TPM) 2.0 or higher
Operating systems
The following operating systems are supported:
Windows 10 version 1809 or later, 64-bit
Windows 11
Windows Server 2019, 64-bit
Windows Server 2022
Messaging backend
For information about the messaging backend system that is required, see Supported versions of Smart ID Messaging (Hermod).
Credential management with Smart ID Identity Manager
To manage virtual smart card lifecycles in Smart ID Identity Manager, see Supported versions of Smart ID.
Smart cards and tokens
The following smart cards and tokens are supported:
Microsoft Virtual Smart Card
Microsoft Certificate Store
Yubico YubiKey 5
To use Yubico YubiKey 5, you must download and install YubiKey SmartCard Minidriver, see
The following are only supported for Smart ID Desktop App 2.0 and later versions:
Thales IDPrime MD940, with Thales SAC middleware, for online authentication and signing via Smart ID or stand-alone Hermod
NXP JCOP3 P60, with Nexus Personal Desktop Client middleware, for online authentication and signing via Smart ID or stand-alone Hermod
Atos CardOS 5.0, 5.3, 6.0, with Nexus Personal Desktop Client middleware, for online authentication and signing via Smart ID or stand-alone Hermod
Language support
The following languages are supported, and will be used as configured in Windows: