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Types of logs in the request log in Certificate Manager

This article is valid for Certificate Manager 8.0 and later.

This article describes the types of logs that can be viewed in the request log within Smart ID Certificate Manager (CM).

The request log contains information concerning requests made from the different CM clients to the Certificate Factory (CF) and audit notifications generated by the components of the CF. See also Search the request log in Certificate Manager.

Types of logs to be viewed

Requests Client requests to the CF
Audit notificationsAudit events generated by the components of the CF

Types of searches to be done

Object Returns all request and audit information for a specific AWB entity or certificate.
FilterReturns request and audit information of the type selected. Filter selections can be used in combination to refine the search.

Available filter selections

Filter selectionDescriptionSubcategory
CategoryReturns information concerning signed requests. Category can be used in combination with Failed only, Signing Officer and Date & Time to further refine the search.Certificates
  • Issued - returns request information for certificate issue requests, both successful and failed.
  • Revoked - returns request information for certificate revocation requests, both successful and failed.
  • Published - returns request information for certificate publication requests, both successful and failed.


  • Archived - returns request information for certificate issue requests, both successful and failed, where key archiving procedure is specified.
  • Recovered - returns request information for key recovery requests, both successful and failed.

Card Production

  • Order - returns request information for production order requests, both successful and failed.
  • Batch - returns request information for batch requests, both successful and failed.


  • CA - returns request information for all CA requests, both successful and failed.
  • Key - returns request information for all key requests, both successful and failed.
  • Policy - returns request information for all policy requests, both successful and failed.
  • Officer - returns request information for officer requests, both successful and failed.
EventReturns information concerning internal system audit notifications. Event can only be used in combination with Date & Time.

Audit notifications from the following system components can be viewed:

  • AM - Access Manager
  • CF - Certificate Factory
  • CRLF - Certificate Revocation List Factory
  • KARF - Key Archiving and Recovery Factory
  • DA - Distribution Agent
  • PF - Publication Factory
  • PPM - PIN Protection

Audit notifications

Audit notificationDescription
Failed onlyreturns information concerning failed requests only.
Signing Officerreturns information concerning all requests signed by the specified officer.
Date & Timereturns information concerning all requests and audit notifications occurring within the specified date/time period.

Results of an Object or Filter search are displayed under these column headers

Column headerDescription
Object icon identifying the request type or an audit notification.
Description plain text description of the request type.
Time showing the date and the time of the request.
Status the status of the request, either OK or failed.
Signer the name of the signing officer.
Co-Signerthe name of the second officer when co-signing requests.

See section “Typical searches” in Search the request log in Certificate Manager for examples of searches.

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