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Authentication service in Digital Access, add, set up, and configure

This article describes the authentication service in Smart ID Digital Access component.

How does authentication work?

When a user uses a web browser to access a resource, the request flows through a web of specialized services: the access point, the policy service, the authentication service, and back again. But for the user, the single point of contact is the web browser. The access point verifies the identity of the user by forwarding the user credentials via the policy service to the authentication service, which in turn compares the information with credentials stored in the user storage. When the control is completed, a request accept is sent to the access point which allows the user to enter.

What does the authentication service do?

resourcesauthentication methods

The authentication service may also use proxy authentication requests to an authentication server using third-party authentication methods. In this case, you configure a RADIUS back-end server as an authentication server.

An authentication service was added and configured during the setup of Digital Access.



Step-by-step instruction

Log in to Digital Access Admin
  1.  Log in to Digital Access Admin with an administrator account.
Add authentication service
  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage System.
  2. Click Authentication Services > Add Authentication Service.
  3. Enter settings for the authentication service. Click the ?-sign for help.
  4. Click Add.
Set up authentication service
  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage System.
  2. Click Authentication Services.
  3. Select an authentication service in the list of Registered Authentication Services.
  4. Edit any settings. Click the ?-sign for help.
  5. Click Save.
Configure global settings for all authentication services
  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage System.
  2. Click Authentication Services.
  3. Click Manage Global Authentication Service Settings... to edit settings for all installed authentication servers. The global settings include session time-outs, password settings and settings for email and sms messages, for example.
  4. Click Save.

Related information

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