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Batch sync expired certificates

This article describes how a Workplace audit officer or Workplace certificate agent manually searches for expired asset certificates in the Workplace package in Smart ID Identity Manager.

This process is also done automatically. You can pre-configure batch synchronization in Identity Manager Admin to automatically run, for example, each night. To change how often the synchronization is done, see Set up scheduled jobs in Identity Manager.




Step-by-step instruction

Search for expired certificates
  1. In Identity Manager Operator, go the the ADMIN tab. 
  2. Select Batch sync job and click Start once. The process will go through all certificates to see if they are valid or not.
  3. Once the process is done, go to SEARCH and and search the Workplace certificates. You will see that the status has changed to "Certificate Expired" if the process found certificates that are expired.

Use case details

Overview and technical details
Use case description

A Workplace audit officer or Workplace certificate agent wants to find all asset certificates which are going to expire and start the renewal.


Certificates in state "Expired".

Symbolic name


NameBatch sync for expired certificates

Symbolic name of batch synchronization

Expired certificates


Identity Manager Operator

Process start

Batch synchronization

Related information

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