Edit roles for multiple users (batch order)
Use case scenario
An operator wants to edit roles for multiple users.
This article describes how an operator can edit roles for multiple users i n Smart ID Identity Manager. Read more here: Smart ID Workforce use cases
The changes are saved on the user profiles.
Prerequisites The users exist in any state Log in to Identity Manager Operator Log in to Identity Manager Operator with your user account. Edit roles In the BATCH ORDERS page, select Batch order edit roles from the drop-down list. Click Search to get a list of all users. Select the check boxes for the users that shall have updated roles and click Edit roles .
To cancel the process, see "Cancel the process" below.
Click Select roles and select which roles to assign or withdraw from the users. Click Next to save the roles for the users. The users are notified in an email about the added/updated roles.
To cancel the process, see "Cancel the process" below.
Cancel the process To cancel the process:
Click Cancel to close the process. Click Next to proceed with the process. Overview and technical details Use case description As an operator I want to edit roles for multiple users
Outcome Selected roles for user profile Symbolic name UsersBatchProcEditRoles
Process name Edit roles
Component Identity Manager Operator
Required user state
Process start Batch order>Batch order edit roles
There are no options for this use case.