GO Workforce credentials
This article contains information about the different credentials that can be used with the Nexus GO Workforce service.
Smart cards
Thales IDPrime MD930 / Thales IDPrime MD940
Uses "Plug-n-play"
No additional software is required to use the cards
Uses offline unblock/change PIN (no internet required, challenge-response functionality in Windows OS)
Minidriver for Thales IDPrime MD930/MD940 is included in OS driver catalogue for later versions of Windows 10/11 and MacOS.
For encoding of MD930/MD940, follow the steps under heading "Thales end-user tools" in GO Workforce software installation guide.
Encoding is only available on up-to-date version of Windows 10 due to Smart ID Desktop App requirements.
No NFC functionality.
Siemens Atos CardOS 5.3 / Siemens Atos CardOS 5.3 DI
CardOS DI cards enables NFC functionality (shared mobile devices).
Minidriver for CardOS is included with Personal Desktop Client, and you must install this software to be able to use the cards on later versions of Windows 10/11 and MacOS.
See here for information about how to install it: Install Personal Desktop Client.
To encode CardOS cards, you need configuration files for Personal Desktop Client. These files are provided by the GO Services team.
Install Smart ID Desktop App. Download the Smart ID Desktop App from Nexus support portal. For more information, see Install and upgrade Smart ID Desktop App.
Encoding is only available on up-to-date version of Windows 10 due to Smart ID Desktop App requirements.
Requires additional middleware software installation (Nexus Personal Desktop Client).
Virtual smart cards
Install Smart ID Desktop App. Download the Smart ID Desktop App from Nexus support portal. For more information, see Install and upgrade Smart ID Desktop App.
Mobile ID
See Smart ID Mobile App.