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Install Certificate Manager

Here are the main steps for a Smart ID Certificate Manager (CM) installation and initial configuration, with links to detailed instructions:

  1. Install the hardware required for the individual components according to the instructions given by the respective vendors. See Hardware requirements for Certificate Manager.

  2. Make sure that the software requirements are met. 

    1. See Certificate Manager - requirements and interoperability.

    2. See License file for Certificate Manager.

  3. Install the database system needed for the database component CMDB/JDBC:

    1. Set up Microsoft SQL Server in Certificate Manager

    2. Set up Oracle database in Certificate Manager

    3. Set up PostgreSQL in Certificate Manager

    4. Set up MySQL in Certificate Manager

    5. Set up MariaDB in Certificate Manager

    6. Set up SQLite in Certificate Manager

  4. To install CM servers and clients:

    1. Manually: see Install Certificate Manager manually

    2. By script: see Install Certificate Manager by script

    3. Podman-based deployment: see Install Certificate Manager server components on Podman

  5. You can now log in to the system with the boot officer to verify that the servers and clients can start. This can be used for testing.

Before production starts, follow these steps:

  1. Do initial configuration of CM, see Initial configuration of Certificate Manager.

  2. Do bootstrap, see Bootstrap Certificate Manager.

  3. If a high availability setup is needed, read more here High availability architecture for Certificate Manager.

Included in CM delivery

For information on what is included in a CM delivery, click here.

Uninstall CM

For information on how to uninstall CM, see Uninstall Certificate Manager server components and clients

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